New 2025 Superman Reboot Movie Sounds Like A Dream Come True
Good news for families: The next Supe is going old school.

Remember when Superman was a good guy? Although Henry Cavill is fantastic in the role of The Man of Steel, there’s no getting away from the fact that his Supe films aren’t really great for young kids. While there are moments in all the Zack Snyder DC movies — including the thrilling extended cut of Justice League (which we love!) — it’s hard to imagine a 6-year-old really digging that bleak version of Superman. And while the CW’s Superman and Lois has made a valiant effort to give us a slightly happier, and down-to-Earth Supe, there’s nothing quite like a big-screen Superman movie to get the whole family pumped.
Now, after several years of dark, or dark-ish, versions of Superman on the big screen, it seems the Kryptonian-who-grew-up-in-Kansas, is making a gee-shucks comeback. On January 31, 2023, new DC chief James Gunn revealed details for the next big Superman movie — Superman: Legacy.
An old-school Superman
According to James Gunn, the new Superman movie will not be an origin story, but will, nonetheless deal with a younger Superman/Clark Kent. And like Christopher Reeve’s iconic portrayal from 1978 to 1987, this version of Supe will be kind-hearted, perhaps, to a fault. According to Gunn:
“I really love the idea of Superman...He’s a big ol’ galoot. He’s a farm boy from Kansas who is very idealistic. His greatest weakness is that he’ll never kill anybody. He doesn’t want to hurt a living soul. I liked that sort of innate goodness about Superman as his defining characteristic.”
For those who grew up on Christopher Reeve, this dose of optimism sounds refreshing as hell. Finally! A Superman movie that sounds like a Superman movie!
Superman: Legacy release date
Unlike the new father-son Batman movie, Superman: Legacy does have a release date. It’s slated to hit theaters on July 11, 2025. It will also be followed by a sequel, two years later, called Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, all about Supe’s cousin, Kara.
Who is playing Superman in 2025?
Nobody knows yet! But because this movie has a release date, the casting could be revealed soon. That said because this is a younger Superman, the actor might be a relative unknown...kinda like Christopher Reeve in 1978!
Is Henry Cavill out as Superman?
Yes. Though Gunn made it clear he wasn’t “fired,” simply that Cavill wasn’t “hired” for Superman: Legacy. Who knows, maybe Cavill could still end up as James Bond.
Superman: The Movie (1978) and its three sequels — all starring Christopher Reeve — are streaming on HBO Max right now.
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